

Core Members

CCBB Member Affiliation
Laura Carrel BMB (COM)
Francesca Chiaromonte STAT
Nikolay Dokholyan COM
Santhosh Girirajan BMB (ECOS)
Ross Hardison BMB (ECOS)
Arthur Lesk BMB (ECOS)
Qunhua Li STAT
Dajiang Liu PHS
Manuel Llinas BMB (ECOS)
Kamesh Madduri CSE
Shaun Mahony BMB (ECOS)
Kateryna Makova BIOL
Paul Medvedev CSE BMB (ECOS)
Webb Miller BIOL CSE
Anton Nekrutenko BMB (ECOS)
Matthew Reimherr STAT
Stephen Schaeffer BIOL
Mingfu Shao CSE
Moriah Szpara BMB (ECOS)

Affiliate Members

CCBB Member Affiliation
Marco Archetti BIOL
Anton Bankevich CSE
Erika Ganda AS
Ilias Georgakopoulos-Soares COM
Christian Huber BIOL
David Koslicki CSE BIOL
Xiaojun (Lance) Lian BIOL BME
Hyuntae Na CSE(PSH)
Yana Safonova CSE
Justin Silverman IST
Zachary Szpiech BIOL

AS = Department of Animal Sciences
BMB (COM) = Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (College of Medicine)
BMB (ECOS) = Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (College of Science)
BME = Department of Biomedical Engineering
BIOL = Department of Biology
COM = College of Medicine
CSE = Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University Park
CSE(PSH) = Department of Computer Science at Penn State Harrisburg
IST = College of Information Sciences and Technology
PHS = Public Health Sciences
STAT = Department of Statistics