
Summer 2020

● The Weekly Wednesday Wartik Genomics Lecture Series (WWWGLS) is held in 501 Wartik Lab (large commons area) on Wednesdays at 3 pm, unless noted otherwise.
● Coffee, tea, and snacks are usually served after the presentation.
● PSU faculty can nominate speakers via this form
● PSU affiliates can sign up to receive seminar announcements using
Date Presenter(s) Topic
May 20
4:00 pm
Matthias Weissensteiner
The Pennsylvania State University
Population Genomics of Structural Variation - New Approaches and Old Candidates
June 3
4:00 pm
Ross Hardison
The Pennsylvania State University
A VISION of the Regulatory Landscape in Mammalian Blood Cell Epigenomes
June 17
4:00 pm
Steve Schaeffer
The Pennsylvania State University
Genomics of Meiotic Drive in a Sex Chromosome in Drosophila pseudoobscura